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Lets get Started!

We’ll begin with a quick summary of terms.

There are some variations of definitions found all throughout the internet. 

We are sharing what we have experienced to be standard and

what we mean when mentioned within our website.



Remy Hair - Remy Hair is not a type of hair at all, but refers to the way the hair is collected and stored.  The term “REMY” refers to the characteristics of the hair and the method used to collect the hair extensions.  Put simply, all cuticles all go in one single direction. Remy hair is collected in a method in which all hair strands stay aligned in the natural direction as it grew (i.e. holding the hair in a ponytail and cutting), top at top, and ends at ends.  The purpose of this method is to maintain the natural texture pattern and cuticle direction. The benefit is that it eliminates tangling problems commonly found in non-Remy or low quality hair.


Virgin Hair - 100% Human hair that has not been altered by perms, bleaches, dyes or other chemicals. (more…)


Raw Virgin Hair - 100% Human Hair that has not altered by perms, bleaches, dyes or other chemicals. Nor has it been processed by heat or steam.  (more…)

How they come:

Single Drawn And Double Drawn


Single drawn Remy hair extensions are tapered at the end, this allows you to create a very natural looking hairstyle. The hair is acquired by pulling the donor’s hair in a pony tail and then cutting. This usually leaves the bundle with different hair lengths.


Double Drawn Remy hair extensions is single drawn hair which has been cut on both ends so that the whole bundle of hair is the same length. If you purchase 24 inches, all strands will be 24 inches and the ends will have a square shape. It is also the more expensive of the two.

Next >>> We will cover "Grades" of hair

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